University Information Services (UIS) provides Georgetown University with the core technology resources and support services for teaching, learning,.
A very simple definition is: An Information Service is a service, which provides ( serves) data/knowledge/information somehow. However, this definition is not strong enough to describe the range and domain of an Information Service. Therefore, it is necessary to define the term Information Service in a specific context. Fortunately, delivers, or better saying serves, a good definition of this context, which is called. An Information System is any combination of information technology and people‘s activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision-making.
The definition continues with explaining the term from a bit more technical view: In a very broad sense, the term Information System is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, algorithmic processes, data and technology. Regarding the first part of this definition, an Information Service is an instance of Information Technology. Hence, an Information Service is a part of an Information System. The second role in this definition is people. This term must be substituted by the term agent, which could be an administrator and/or an user. An user could be a customer and/or contributor. In addition, an agent could be a human or a machine.
The interaction is that an Information Service, which collects (retrieves), manages (structures) and stores the data/knowledge/information (maybe with the help of an administrator), serves this data/knowledge/information to an user. The outcome of this, is the following definition: An Information Service is this part of an Information System that serves data/knowledge/information. to customers and collects it from its contributors, to manage and store it by optionally using administrators. This should be a technology independent. definition of the term Information Service. That means an Information Service could be.
Information Services Meaning
an (. domain specific, e.g. or. (amongst other things, available as book or online), or.
domain independent, e.g. or.
(amongst other things, available as book collection or online) ),. a (. domain specific, e.g., or.
domain independent, e.g. ),. a (e.g.
),. a, which stores books etc., or. a, which stores its knowledge in each page. a,.
a, which stores his/her own knowledge in his/her brain, independently of its representation form and/or carrier/transmission medium/form, e.g. A book (paper) or the Internet. Although, the term Information Service could cover a broad range of things, the usage of it might concentrates for the beginning on the and there especially on the, with a focus on Information Services, which have/deliver a huge amount of data/knowledge/information (of a specific domain or domain independent). Hence, one could say: “let’s define the term Web Information Service as a subset and a specific kind of Information Service” (cf.
Definition of ). However, since the Web delivers only another kind of carrier/transmission medium/form, it should be enough to say that an Information Service simply uses this carrier/transmission medium/form next to other carrier/transmission mediums/forms. Finally, the makes use of the concept Information Service. Cheers, Bob PS: This definition is based on the community/expert power of and a with Olaf Hartig.) knowledge is all meaning of data, and information is a subset of knowledge to a concrete question or domain (see definition on ).) That means, it includes non-computer (sometimes also referred as offline.) related things, e.g.
A book or a library, and computer (sometimes also referred as online.) related things, e.g.) Although, the terms offline and online should be in general used for computer related things. They express whether data/knowledge/information is available via Internet ( online) or not ( offline).) However, the society tends more and more into the. Hence, it might be interesting to describe and rate also all these very subjective Information Services, e.g. A personal blog or website. It depends all on the subjective mutual trust each Information Service consumer has to the specific Information Services. Its at least a mutual trust between consumers and producers of an Information Service.
About Information Services, the university's technology department We provide campus-wide services such as:. usernames, passwords, and other account-related functions. telephones and voicemail. wired and wireless networking. email and calendaring. web hosting, such as UO Blogs.
Banner, Integrated Data and Reporting (IDR), Duck Docs, Data Warehouse, and other administrative applications. the that provides account help, technical support, and troubleshooting., the Network for Education and Research in Oregon. For more information about university IT services, see the at. Want to know more about Information Services? See and the Information Services. The 2018 Quack-IT Challenge Information Services is sponsoring the first ever 24-hour innovation challenge for University of Oregon IT staff (including students). Eleven teams will work during a 24-hour period and present the outcome of their work on THursday, December 13 at 3:00pm in the Knight Library Browsing Room.
For more information, see and the list of. Transform IT. UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies.
Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Questions may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, or to the Office for Civil Rights.
Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed on the.